Shreya Sen

An illustrator, a graphic designer and a visual designer, Shreya Sen discovered her happiness in the magic of children's picture books. Her memories of being dragged to book fairs, gorging on Russian picture books and drawing on walls turns out to be her inspiration. After working with a children's books' publication house and as a graphic designer for two years, Shreya is now a full-time children's books' illustrator.

Her current work includes graphic novels, children image books, designing puzzles and logos.
She has also  worked with well-known publishers like, Tulika Publisher’s, Pratham Books, Duckbill, Scholastic and Tinkle.

Other than dreaming up images for her stories, Shreya loves analysing narratives, procrastination, comics, humour and imitating people.
Children easily connect to her illustrations as they're related to their everyday life. She does educative and vivid illustrations for Children's story books. 

Her work in the book called "Junior Kumbhakarna " is commendable, we love it!

About Shreya Sen:
A Children's story book illustrator
Instagram: @shreyasensagoli
